Sunday, 10 November 2013

Thoughts on Love

Taken directly from Cathryn's journal (you're all in for a treat):

"Humans need to be loved.
We can exist physically without it, but to be able to continue our existence in a life that would otherwise be meaningless, we need to know that we are something precious to someone else, whether they be our parents, spouse, friend, cat, etc. We feel the need for someone else to actualize our value as a human being.
For those of us who know we are loved, and more importantly, that we are loved by God, this may seem obvious, or taken for granted. A baby feels its mother's love when she hold him in her arms. (Now the baby may be so comfy that he happens to fall asleep. Just as Christians, when they feel they are in the Father's loving embrace, may drift off because they are so content. Then we wonder why we do not emotionally feel the Father's love for us - it is because we are sleeping. You cannot feel another's love in reality when you are dreaming.) But say the babe is awoken by a crying child, who feels forsaken and forgotten because the parent stepped out of the room for a minute. If we give this babe the cognitive abilities of an adult (humor me) it would feel sorry for the abandoned child, and realize yet again how amazing it is to be in its mother's safe embrace. Were the babe a good Christian, it would see there is room enough in its mother's arms to accept this lonely child, and may try in some way to help the poor creature come to its mother, for she would surely accept another, and show it what true love and compassion are.

I'm sure there are many more scenarios that would explain the same situation, but my point is, to make it clear: we should love those around us, and make the best effort to show them compassion, in order to bring them to the one who is perfect and will fulfill all their needs. Even if this means looking past the tears and the red face with a gaping mouth to see the anguish they are in. (The expression just mentioned obviously shows pain, yet there can be different ways of expressing the anguish of a soul - this is what I mean.)

Love at all costs."

I'm sorry if this seems like an undeveloped thought or a really rough draft, because it is. I wrote this one night after watching a video of Miley Cyrus break down in tears while singing "Wrecking Ball" and I just felt awful, for her and for the fact that I judged her harshly without knowing what's going on in her life right now. It made me realize that as Christians, we should have compassion for everyone, no matter what they're doing or how they look.

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