Being a Catholic isn't something we reserve for Sunday. It's part of our identity. As a member of the Church, we are expected to strive for sainthood every day.
But it's easier said than done, especially when we live in a culture that seems to glorify everything that goes against our morals.
At times, it feels like everywhere we turn, someone is telling us that the Catholic way is the wrong way. Empty relationships. Meaningless partying. Destructive outlets. Life mottos of YOLO...That is what we're told is "normal." That is what we're "supposed" to be doing. Jesus doesn't care what you do Saturday night, as long as you're in a pew Sunday...
We are even told what opinions we should have. And then we are degraded and mocked for upholding our Catholic identity, for not going along with what society has deemed acceptable and normal.
But as Christians, we aren't called to follow what is normal. We strive to enter through the narrow gate. And it's narrow because the path is difficult. Not many stick around long enough to even reach the gate.
As teenagers, especially, we are constantly bombarded with temptations. We are tempted to see ourselves through the world's eyes, not through God's eyes. It requires much effort to change our focus, to put our spiritual needs before sensual pleasure and maintain our identity and integrity as children of God. It's hard to put Christ first, in front of our desires, our temptations, and the pressure to fit in. But Christ reminds us that we weren't made to fit in. We never have been. Early Christians were stoned, crucified, and tortured for their beliefs. Nowadays, not much has changed. Sure, we may not face this physical abuse quite as often, but we still are as "persecuted" as ever, just with a modern twist.
How then, can we stay motivated on our journey to Christ? How can we combat everything we encounter that wishes to tear us away from Him? Faith. It's not an easy answer, but it's imperative to our journey. We must trust that what God has in store for us is greater than any fleeting sense of bliss, any sensationalized act that rips us from His grasp. As Christians, we are called to be responsible and to be patient. What may seem like "missing out" can actually be what keep us on the straight and narrow.
In fact, we can even enjoy the benefits of our faith here and now. Who needs an empty relationship motivated by a skewed understanding of love when you could fall in love with the One who loved you so much He conquered death for your sake? Who needs to rely on drugs, drinking, partying, etc. to feel good when you can experience the most surreal and uplifting peace in the presence of Christ? And for goodness sake, if YOLO is even still a thing, who needs to only "live once" when you have the option of eternal life in Heaven with the Father?
No matter what other folks think, I'd say, as Christians, we get the good deal in these situations. And the awesome thing is that anyone can experience this love and joy if only they make the choice. Regardless of their past choices or opinions, all are open to venture down the path to Christ's doorstep. Sure, that path is tough sometimes, but it's our cross to bear. And after all, Jesus did turn the cross, a dreaded sign of a slow and painful death, into a global and timeless symbol for His conquering all death, all suffering, and all sin. Just think of what He could do with our crosses and our small sacrifices for His sake.
So fight the good fight of faith and be courageous. Standing out isn't a bad thing. Not in the long run. Standing out as a follower of Christ can help you and those to whom you witness pass through the narrow gate to Heaven.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2).
Thank you for reading and God bless,
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