Thursday, 15 August 2013

Word of the Day! Amen!

Today's word of the day is amen! I'm sorry that this post will be very unorganized, due to my writing it from my phone, but I just couldn't wait!

So, we all know this word. We say it after every prayer almost like second-nature. It's like breathing. Amen, amen, amen, but what are we saying? If you google it (and yes, folks, I legitimately googled the word amen) you get about a million different translations and it gets pretty confusing. But here's the simplest translation I've got for you: Yes, God. I agree. I agree. So be it. It's not some made up Latin word. It has meaning! And so much meaning at that!

After reciting one of the many prayers that we memorized when were 8 years old, we say Amen. But Amen does not mean The End. Like...okay that's the end of my prayer. It's an exclamation! It's an affirmation!
When we go up to communion to receive the blessed sacrament, we whisper Amen like its a secret. We should be shouting it! Amen! Yes, God! Thank you, God!

So that is today's word. Amen :)

God Bless!!

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