Today's word is rest, a word very familiar to teenagers on summer. Last night, I went out with some friends and we watched two movies at a drive-in movie theater and then we drove around for a while. Once we had finished with our shenanigans and returned home it was already 1:30am and we did not get to sleep for another hour. So needless to say, I am exhausted.
Being the sensible teenager I am, I usually get to sleep around 10 because I know that if I do not get my rest, then I will be one grumpy goose during the day.
In the same way, if we do not go to mass on Sunday, where we have the opportunity to let go of all of our plans and agendas, and truly rest in the Spirit of God, thus rejuvenated in both the strength to continue the daily fight and the peace to know that a Kingdom awaits us after this life (consequently trivializing what may be stressing us out that week) then we're going to see our ability to love hindered. Ironically in the Gospel tomorrow Jesus will teach us to stay vigilant and awake. So with that in mind, what I don't mean when I say rest is that you now have an excuse to fall asleep in mass.
Tonight, maybe ask God to prepare your heart for mass tomorrow. So that when you get that chance to rest your weary head in the hands of the one who made you, you will be open to receive in the grace that will help you throughout the week.
And speaking of getting plenty of rest, you can go to daily mass, or especially, go to confession. I would certainly emphasize that more if I wasn't trying to keep this blog short for your convenience. Confession is the perfect place to catch up on your "resting." And remember this, God is the all-powerful, supreme, creator of the universe, and even He rests... But not only that, He wants you to rest in Him and with Him... Forever.
Mark 6:30-31
The apostles returned to Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while." For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.
Alright folks, have a good sleep, and pray you and I may find rest in God.
I'm about to go into hibernation until mass tomorrow.
Sweet dreams,
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